
Culture Transformation and Change Leadership

Facilitating culture transformation (strategy creation, planning, and execution)

Designing and developing organizations to drive growth

Enabling change leadership

Developing, launching, and sustaining change initiatives

Consumer and Employee Experience

Designing a human-centered, listening approach to consumer experience strategy

Connecting employee experience to consumer experience

Building and delivering learning programs, including creating customized models, certification programs, and learning maps to support enterprise learning

Building Inclusive Cultures (DEI)

Embedding inclusive leadership to leverage diversity and uniqueness

Coaching executives to honor and leverage differences

Preparing leaders to leverage multiple generations in the workspace

Customizing programs to optimize inclusive leadership, leverage diversity, and create psychologically safe workspaces

Stabilizing and Strengthening Executive Teams

Assessing executives and teams to facilitate alignment

Coaching executive leaders and teams to build leadership capacity

Serving as an interim executive (COO, CHRO, Diversity Officer, Learning and Development)

Professional Speaking and Facilitation

Relevant (RLVT) Leadership Expanding leadership capacity

JUST Inclusive Leadership Navigating an inclusive journey

CHANGE and the T (Transformation) Force Leading change and transformation

X Building leadership experience capacity

Sculpting Fog Transforming culture

ACTIONABLE Creating an inclusive culture

Lisa advocates for the criticality of stretching mindsets and transforming behaviors, to ensure workplaces reflect the world around us.


  • PROSCI Change Practitioner and Train the Trainer
  • HBDI – Herrmann Brain Dominance Indicator
  • Eq2 – Emotional Intelligence
  • IDI – Intercultural Development Inventory
  • SDI – Strength Deployment Inventory
  • Forrester Consumer Experience Professional  Level 1, 2, 3


“Lisa has been able to help front-line associates pivot to a consumer-centric company. She is very deserving of the award for her work on “People First.” Her work has shown strong results on key consumer and business metrics for Humana. She has done a fantastic job at creating and leading this elegant approach to prioritizing behaviors present in a world-class consumer company. She is driving retention, engagement, and a strong customer-centric community of practice particularly in high volume centers for ‘badged’ Humana employees and third-party associates.”

~ Executive Vice President of Talent and Organizational Development at Humana

“I attribute the speed and thoroughness with which our results were achieved to your direct involvement and leadership of the customer services teams. I cannot imagine anyone that could have provided me with the partnership to affect this level of positive change.”

~ Vice President Supply Chain Management at Chesapeake Display and Packaging

“I want to thank you for the great contribution you made at Pepsi-Cola. Your optimism and energy were greatly appreciated, and you will be sorely missed. You left us highly regarded and with a very well-earned reputation and you also left some big shoes to fill.”

~ Vice President and Controller at Pepsi-Cola

“Chances are you have never seen anything like Moore. She is not just outside the box, she’s a whole different shape of something not too many have seen – especially in corporate America.” Moore is an individualist – wild, outspoken, creative and innovative!

~ Michaella Hammond, Daily Dispatch

“When others are waiting to get on the bus of “change”, Lisa is driving the bus. Lisa inspires others to reach for the stars.”

~ Deb Jones

“Lisa recognizes people’s talents and puts them into situations that allow them the opportunity to use the talents. She challenges people to go the extra mile, think differently, try new things and succeed.”

~ Mark Harmon

“Lisa is a great believer in others and truly leads others to find their own potential.  If you looked up the word leader in the dictionary, I’m convinced the definition would be Lisa Moore.  How do I know she is a great leader?  Every way she turns someone follows.  Lisa has a huge team of “followers” across the country.”

~ Jackie Cooke

Lis Johnson, a 30-year friend who remembers Moore from their high school days says she has been that way since childhood – “I don’t think anyone has ever met her that will forget her.”

“Whatever can be written about Lisa Moore, will not be enough. She escapes words.”

~ Michaella Hammond, Daily Dispatch