CHANGE and the T Force
Leading change and transformation

Communicate. Honor. Advocate.
Understand annd Advocate
Does everyone understand what they need to do to move the organization forward?
Do you practice shared leadership at all levels?

Navigate. Generate. Evolve.
Reflect and Embrace
Are you self-invested, team involved, organizationally aligned, and are you lifting others?
Do you create environments that are intellectually stimulating?

Tapestry. Thought. Talent. Truth. Trust.
Design and Lead
Are you proficient in influencing without authority to ensure the win-win?
Do your actions support your mission and vision?

Telescope. Territory. Teamwork. Treasure. Tempo.
Evolve and Catalyze
Are you passionate in thought and action?
Know yourself!
Chart your course!
Live your dreams!
Change the world!
@ Lisa Moore